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Receive FREE Pet Loss Support

Walk the healing journey together with Marybeth as you process the grief you are experiencing in her FREE Journey to Healing program.


You will receive a copy of her book The Power of Pets and online healing program absolutely FREE.






My name is Marybeth Haines and I personally welcome you! Did you know that nine out of ten people consider their pets to be a family member? Are you one of them?


This website has been created in honour of all pets and their owners to celebrate to the bond and connection each gives to the other. My passion lies in sharing with you how you can capture this to use each and every day in empowerment and healing.


Pets are meant to be celebrated for the many gifts they give to us and that is what The Power of Pets is all about! You are invited to join this global initiative of pet lovers worldwide uniting together in honour and tribute to our pets of today and yesterday. I'm so pleased our paths have crossed.

Marybeth Haines and the amazing folks at Talent Hounds teamed up together to talk about healing from the loss of a beloved pet.


In these videos you will learn:


* 7 effective tools to use in healing
* How animals touch our lives
* A powerful poem to bring comfort as you heal




Contact Information

Email: powerofpets365[at]


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